11b. HaChodesh 5715 (A HaChodesh Ma’amar), Class Two.
Posted: January 26, 2024
11b. HaChodesh 5715 (A HaChodesh Ma’amar), Class Two. This class encompasses most of the Ma’amar. It explains the idea of creation on the עילה ועלול level: how the creation develops from Briah to Yetzirah to Asiya. It then explains the idea of creation on the יש מאין level: (1) the creation of the lower worlds from Atzilus [he also mentions how in BiY”A itself there is such an idea: the creation of אור נ”ר and כלים דבי”ע from אור נשמה which is also Elokis]; (2) the creation of Atzilus (which is Godliness (but) in Keilim) from Ein Sof, which is also יש מאין. The Rebbe then gives us the exception to all these rules: the Neshama is a creation יש מאין where the אין is revealed and imprinted on the יש. This thene xplains how Yidden through Avoda (of Moadim, and then in the three poles of Tefilla (Machshava), Torah (Dibbur) and Mitzvos (Ma’aseh)) reveal the אור שנברא ביום הראשון including the אור שנסתלק בצמצה”ר to be revealed.
11b. HaChodesh 5715 (A HaChodesh Ma’amar), Class Two.