
19b. Bachodesh Hashlishi 5734 (Muga) (second version Part Two)

19b. Bachodesh Hashlishi 5734 (Muga) (second version Part Two).
This class speaks of Rosh Chodesh Sivan (as the last class spoke of Mattan Torah) having these two basic stages: A. where all that will be is in a single point (RC Sivan) B. how it will play out on all of history as Yidden study Torah etc.
There are two aspects to Rosh Chodesh Sivan: (1) the end of the preparation for Mattan Torah, which is linked to the idea of בכל יום יהיו בעיניך כחדשים (Each day Torah must be new) as we draw strength from לאמור כעונה אחר הקורא (the idea that when we learn we are repeating after Him); the Rebbe argues that our repeating is higher than the initial moment of Rosh Chodesh when this process was triggered because the point of that day (moment) IS that we bring it down through our lives.
(2) ויסעו מרפידים is linked to the idea of Teshuva; and here also (albeit in a slightly different way) there are the two ideas of the initial Teshuva and the better Teshuva we do following in the wake of the ויסעו מרפידים.

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