07a. Katonti 5717, (1st Ma’amar)Class One. This class has no reading (inside) it is all introduction. We explore the sensitivity of discussing Tzimtzumim in Atzmus, Yecholes and Ohr Hakalul BiAtzmuso. 1) Atzmus only on the level of logic can we even question how Gilui emerges from Atzmus. 2) Yecholes, is the level (we call) He is not lacking anything, there also there’s a Tzimtzum in relationship with self for the sake of Gilui. 3) Ohr HaKalul, is in no way a המשכה (brought forward from Etzem) for any purpose (it is part of שלימות העצמות) and on this level we say He HAS everything. On all three of these level the Tzimtzum of Ha’akava is applied to explain the emergence of Gilui Ohr.