Vihecherim Havaya 5713 Class Two. This class is about Torah Chadasha of Moshiach which is on the level of ראי’ חושית which is literally like נבואה. It is higher than “objective” learning where one is separate from the subject he is studying. It is also higher than subjective learning, which is true on higher levels, where the prospect of objectivity breaks down and one can only know by knowing himself. On this level פרישות (personal integrity) is so important because this cannot be debated or proven, it can only be communicated intuitively. Still, even this, (ראי’ שכלית) is not yet the level of ראי’ חושית which Moshiach will reveal. The preparation for this is the splitting of the river בקיעת הנהר, the violation of the barrier between אין סוף and אצילות. The breaking of the Tzimtzum of Machshava which is higher than the (breaking of the) Tzimtzum of Dibbur.