39. Lima’an Da’as 5669, Class Two. Page 39-40. Three types of Neshamos, representing the ideas discussed before about EIn Sof, the world and the need for a Mimutza. 1) Neshamos who come into the world as they are above the Parsa (פרגוד), they have no connection to the world even down here. חנוך, אלי’ הנביא, ר’ חנינה בן דוסא and ר’ יוחנן [there’s a bot of a mistake here, about ר’ יהודה and ר’ יוחנן, which I will correct in a later class]. 2) Neshamos who adapt to come into this world to fulfill a purpose. משה רבינו and רבה בר נחמני, they haver a strong connection to the world and affect it’s purpose. 3) משיח who is from above the Parsa (like the first group), yet has the ability to affect this world in a פנימיות way like the second group. The ideas of שבעה רועים and שמונה נסיכים also represents these types here.