06. Hodu (in the morning) Class Six.Introduction to second part of Hodu: the entire world (including non-Jews) praising Hashem.Times of the Beis HaMikdash vs. times of Galus, When Moshiach comes. Yidden Non-YiddenInside. 06. Hodu (in the morning) Class Six.
07. Hodu (in the morning) Class Seven.Proof for GodGoyim also praising Hashem4 Pesukim explained. 07. Hodu (in the morning) Class Seven.
08. Hodu (in the morning) Class Eight.Lecture (introductory) The Face of God vs. the Name (Havaya) of God; the “Essence” vs. the Light. Two points of view.Yidden and non-Yidden. 08. Hodu (in the morning) Class Eight.
09. Hodu (in the morning) Class Nine.Four (more) Pesukim explained where the terms פנים and הוי’ה appear repeatedly and how they can be read in more than one way.Either ‘The Face’ reveals all or hides all. 09. Hodu (in the morning) Class Nine.
10. Hodu (in the morning) Class Ten.3 more Pesukim explained.The Joy of redemption in many aspects. 10. Hodu (in the morning) Class Ten.
11. Hodu (in the morning) Class Eleven.Thankfulness after Moshiach comes. טוב vs. חסד the difference and the idea after Moshiach comes. 2 Pesukim explained.הודו להוי’ כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו difference טוב and חסד, and חסד which comes from טוב.ואמרו הושיענו אלוקי ישענו וקבצינו והצילנו מן הגויים להודות לשם קדשיך להשתבח בתהילתך three ideas (1)...
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