13. Hodu (in the morning) Class Thirteen. This class begins the third part of Hodu. It is different that the first two parts, that it cannot be traced to one Perek, but is a conglomeration of Pesukim from all over Tehillim. The idea of a Perek of Pesukim (TaNaCh) written for Galus, was compiled after the TaNaCha was sealed. There are similar ideas in Yehi Chevod and Uva LiTziyon. Galus is about Teshuva (that according to Likutei Torah in Balak- Ma Tovu is the point of everything). There’s a different standard. Teshuva. Punishment. Aliya (upliftedness) after punishment. Birurim. Hashem wants us to succeed and we will, perhaps ONLY under Galus-like conditions.