Ki Yishalcha Bincha 5744.
The Ben Chochom already knows Aidus Chukim and Mishpatim, what is bothering him is, why our Yiddishkeit is different than the Avos and is connected to action.
The answer is that ‘Avadim haYinu’-, the challenges in Mitzrayim raised us up to the level of being able to elevate physical things also. The Ma’amar also discusses the idea of Yafa Sha’a Achas in this life to all of Gan Eden and even Olom Haba.
Vayakam Aidus BiYa’akov 5744.
(This Ma’amar is a continuation to the previous Ma’amar).
Yidden’s Koach to receive the Giluy of Atzmus they get from Mitzvos after Mattan Torah from being Hashem’s children, especially after sinning and doing Teshuva. Ki Yishalcha Bincha 5744