צאינה וראינה ה’תשמ”ב There are three Midrashim regarding crowns and Mattan Torah, in one there is one crown, in another there are two and in the third there are three. These contradictions are resolved in this Ma’amar. They correspond to serving Hashem with Mesiras Nefesh בכל מאודך in each of the three areas of תורה עבודה וגמילת חסדים. The crown of תפילה He keeps, the other two He gives us. צאינה וראינה when we go out of all מצרים we see Godliness in each of these three ways.
בשעה שהקדימו ישראל נעשה לנשמע התשמ”ג. This מאמר explains that only when the נעשה comes before the נשמע is the נעשה a נעשה and the נשמע a נשמע. They got crowns for both. Crowns mean: 1) beauty, 2) above the head. Why Jews need the help of מלאכים at
מתן תורה. ואהי’ אצלו אמון התשמ”ג. A שבועות מאמר that goes through the five levels in this פסוק and links them to כתר, חב”ד, מדות, מלכות and the lower worlds. In the lowest worlds the highest idea of Torah is revealed.