Haumnam Perek 9 Class 4, Perek 10 Class 1. In this class we… A) completed the discussion on כח התנועה and how it is a משל for צמצום שלא כפשוטו. B) There is (not only) Achdus with all the worlds (equally) even Asiya, Moreover, there is an aspect of Achdus, which is more in Asiya than in the higher worlds, because this world’s Gashmiyus and Yeshus comes from Atzmus. Explanation: the idea of אגרת הקדש סימן ה’ ויעש דוד שם; בי’ נברא עולם הבא ובה’ נברא עולם הזה. The idea that this world is defined by its חומר rather than its צורה brings it in greater proximity to סובב. C) The Helem is only to us, and to Him there is Achdus, and the point of the Helem is that we should reverse it.