Third class on Reb Brachia (end of Perek 1 beginning of Perek 2) about Karbanos and Beis Hamikdash
The questions are: what is the meaning of Hashem’s “food” and house?
The Rebbe RaShaB in each case brings a יש מפרשים which he then refutes.
The יש מפרשים are the חוקרים; we explore the two theologies here a little bit.
History of Jewish theology: until the dark and middle ages, the Jew, for the most part, followed the prescription of “אין דורשין”. The onset of the challenge of philosophy forced the hands of גדולי ישראל. After hundreds of years of this, קבלה came along.
Philosophy isn’t -in and of itself- תורה it is a worldly system of logic adopted by גדולי ישראל because of necessity.