Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Twenty Four, Perek Three (05)
Posted: December 22, 2021
Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Twenty Four, Perek Three (05) In addition to the idea that Modeh Ani comes from the Essence (Yechida) of the Neshama, there is additional (connected) idea that it ‘touches’ the ‘Essence’ of God and Godliness. As the Rebbe told President Shazar: The Rebbe my father in law didn’t like the expression (עם הארץ) ignoramus, he proffered in stead the the expression (איש פשוט) simple Jew and he would add that the simplicity of the Jew touches the simplicity of God Himself.
Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Twenty Four, Perek Three (05)