
Bamidbar 02:02 – The Jewish camp; the Flags had symbols on them ‘BiOsos’. What were these symbols? (Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)

Bamidbar 02-02 – The Jewish camp; the Flags had symbols on them ‘BiOsos, what were these symbols? (Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).
The Jewish camp was divided up into four subcamps, or ‘flags’. Each flag had a symbol (or symbolism):
1) RaShI A: a color, like the color on the stone of the Choshen of the Shevet that was the head of that ‘flag’.
2) RaShI B: A reminiscence of Yaakov Avinu instructing his children (how and) where to stand when they carried his holy remains.
3) Chizkuni A: letters on each flag corresponding to the names of the three Avos in order, the first letter of each of their names on the first flag etc. and the last letter of each of their names on the last flag. The outstanding letter ה’י of Avraham’s name is the Schechina at the center of the camp, and the Tziyuni adds that is is joined by a Yud to make Hashem’s name.
4) Chizkuni B: the four faces of the Divine Chariot appeared on the four flags as well: Lion, Man, Ox, Eagle (or snake); there’s a bit of explaining done here.
5) Midrash A: The Jewish camp is organized like a vineyard, down to the minutia.
6) Midrash B: The Jewish camp sings like the Malachim do- with order.
After delivering these ideas we suggested that perhaps the symbols of the flags were on the three levels of A. שם הפעולה (the letters, Chizkuni A), what the Yidden did; B. שם התואר (the colors, RaShI A), who the Yidden were; C. שם העצם (the connection to Ya’akov RaShI B), that this was their essence.

Bamidbar 02-02 – The Jewish camp; the Flags had symbols on them ‘BiOsos, what were these symbols? (Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).

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