
Basi Ligani 5744.

Class One. This first class is mostly the introduction. 1) The first sins were superimposed by Hashem to have a T’shuva rather than a Tzadik world. 2) This causes it to last forever as 3) darkness is addressed and transformed, 4) Tzivos Hashem achieve this with Mesiras Nefesh and Kabalas Ol, 5) The two Prakim 13-14 talk about Hashem being in Klipa but in (last year’s) Perek 13 Godliness is described as concealed. In Perek 14 he describes how Godliness is revealed everywhere.

Class One

Class Two. This Perek deals with the idea that Godliness is (not only present, but) revealed everywhere even in the lowest Klipos. This creates the Rebbe’s question on the Previous Rebbe’s chapter 14: Why does he use the analogy of light (and life) to describe the revealed presence of Godliness everywhere, why not use the allusion to Shaim (the ‘Name’) which is much closer the the essence of each creation rather than the allusion of light (and life)? In the class we attempt (first of all) to explain the question. (We also learn and attempt to explain) the answer: The Name is the essence but is hidden, the light (is not the essence, but) it is revealed. Through seeing the light (Life) everywhere we can come to reveal the Name which is the essence also.

Class Two

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