
Bechukosai 26:03 – Reward and Punishment (5766/ 2006)

Bechukosai 26-03 Reward and Punishment (5766/ 2006)
This class on reward and punishment draws on the Rambam, Ramban, Abarbanel as explained in the Kli Yakar, and a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. If you want to hear more on this topic also see the Reward and Punishment class given for Parshas Vaeira in 2006

Note: Information about the Kli Yakar is available from Here is a sample… “Rabbi Shlomoh Efraim of Luntchitz – Kli Yakar. Born: Lunchitz, Poland, 1550. Died: Prague, Bohemia, 1619. Popularly known as Kli Yakar. Rabbi Shlomo Efraim was a disciple of Rabbi Shlomo Luria (Maharshal), the famous talmudist and author of Yam Shel Shlomoh. After leading the yeshivah in Lvov, Rabbi Shlomo Efraim was appointed rabbi of Prague. He sat on the rabbinical court of that city with Rabbi Yeshayah Horowitz (the “Shelah Ha’kadosh”). Among R’ Ephraim’s prominent students were Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman Heller, author of the Mishnah commentary Tosfot Yom Tov, and Rabbi Shabtai Horowitz, son of the Shelah. A spellbinding orator, he inspired his listeners with fiery sermons, which were published. His most important work is the popular commentary on the Torah, Kli Yakar (“The Precious Vessel”), in which he expounds the text in a homiletic style. It is very readable and has a captivating quality. It is published in many editions of the Chumash, including Mikraot Gedolot.”

Bechukosai 26-03 Reward and Punishment (5766/ 2006)

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