These three Classes are simple Pirush HaMilos for the three parshiyos of Shma (a must listen).
A (short) thought on the first Bracha of Krias Shma (5774/2014). 1) Stars and planets 2) angels, 3) God Himself functioning.
Monday 18 Teves 5773, December 31 2012. Shma Yisroel (inside). The first Parsha of Shema, simple “pirush hamilos” addresses: 1) Understand and meditate, 2) Want on many levels, 3) Satisfy the want for Hashem with Torah and Mitzvos, on the body and beyond the body.
Monday 25 Teves 5773, January 7 2013. ViHaya Im Shamoa… (inside). Vehaya Im Shamoa, simple “pirush hamilos” addresses: 1) Schar for Bichol MiOdecha and 2) Golus where the enlightenment is gone but we make up for it with doing Mitzvos actually in the darkness.
A short thoughtShma Yisroel (inside).ViHaya Im Shamoa… (inside).