
10. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Ten (5780/2020) (version 2).

Basi Legani 5710 Perek 10 with thoughts from the Rebbe’s Ma’amarim 5720 and 5740

10. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Ten (5780/2020) Short Version: Empire Shteibel (incomplete).
1) Ending the discussion on Dira BiTachtonim (Atzmus and Mimalei)
2) Beginning discussion on Tzivos Hashem, the question of the name and the message (name of G-d in lower worlds) and explanation.

Basi Ligani 5710 Perek 10, Short Version

10a. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Ten (5780/2020) Class One: This Perek speaks of the effort to make a Dira BiTachtonim (i.e. a spiritual Beis Hamikdash) built through Iskafia and Ishapcha, which results in the transformation from שטות דלעומת זה to קדושה and שקר to קרש causing עצומ”ה to come into the world. The light of Sovev (Atzmus) but also Mimalei as understood by the Mezritcher Maggid’s teaching.

Basi Ligani 5710 Perek 10 Class 1.

10b. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Ten (5780/2020) Class Two:
Dira BiTachtonim (is a תאוה and) touches עצמות.
A Jew must be wary of false humility (says the Ba’al Shem Tov) considering that what he does touches Hashem Himself.
The lessons of Dira BiTachtonim relate to the Galus as well and not only what happens after the Geula.
Tzivos Hashem is the name of those who make this Dira.”
Why would Neshamos of Atzilus be called by a name associated with the lower worlds?
We explore (in short) the question of צבאות שם קדוש בבי”ע.

Basi Ligani 5710 Perek 10 Class 2.

10c. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Ten (5780/2020) Class Three:
We explore the idea of צבאות.
Question: why were Yidden of that generation (Neshamos of Atzilus) called צבאות.
[But for us it is not only understood, but it is quite complimentary to be considered Hashem’s army]
The first answer: Beauty from unity התכללות, in the lower worlds that is even a greater accomplishment.
The second answer: because צבאות means time (and specifically) days, each day is made of a day and a night, divine and animal soul, the struggle etc and what comes from the struggle.

Basi Ligani 5710 Perek 10 Class 3.

10d. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Ten (5780/2020) Class Four:
The end of the Perek (inside).
1) The idea of Dira BiTachtonim showing itself physically. He explains it by explaining the קדיש דרבנן for אגדתא as רוב סודות גנוזין באגדות and they actually change us physically.
2) Time is revisited again, this emphasis on limitation, that reveals the אין ערוך and as such reveals עצמות.

Basi Ligani 5710 Perek 10 Class 4.

10e. Basi Legani 5710 Chapter Ten (5780/2020) Class Five:
This class is entirely oral.
It explains the מאמר ה’תש”מ that discusses the idea of שם (צבאות) קדוש בבי”ע.
The basic point is that this שם by itself isn’t really ONE with בי”ע (perhaps like a מלאך בעת השליחות.) The true idea of צבאות שם קדוש בבי”ע Yidden create through Avoda.

Basi Ligani 5710 Perek 10 Class 5.

Seventy Years:
1) a lifetime.
2) נכנס יין יצא סוד. Both יין and סוד are both בגימטריא 70.
The idea of a secret and revealing it; the joy of wine that comes with a meal that makes you Joyous and not drunk.
3) This means that after 70 years the secret comes out (ןע”ד דברי הרבי בארבעים שנה שאז הי’ לב לדעת ועינים לראות ואזנים לשמוע)
4) שבעים like שובע (with a שין שמאלית) which means satisfied.
The question is if Kedusha is satisfied or Kedusha is satisfied.
5) The idea of עי”ן to see.
6) Then after 70 there is עלי עין higher than ראי’ה. This explains why all the greatest מקובלים have names of Gevura not Chessed like שמעון, יצחק etc.
7) Bottom line: עד מתי.

Yud Shvat 70 Years

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