“And Avrohom was old.” What does this mean? CHAYE SARA 2006 – GO INTO YOUR LIFE AND TAKE IT WITH YOU If you have ever struggled with the story of the Akeidah, you must not miss this class. Rabbi Paltiel analyzes the pasuk (line), “Avraham was old, he was coming in the days”. One focus is why this pasuk is a precursor to Avraham sending Eliezer to find a wife for Yitzchak. This class starts with a Chassidishe story about the birth of the Shpole Zayde. Then the analysis begins with sources including Rashi, Ramban, R. Bechaye, Alshich, and Abarbanel. The discussion then moves into the realm of Chassidus with a sicha by the Lubavitcher Rebbe (from chelek lamed hei) and ends with an illuminating ma’amar (from tof shin lamed ches). This is an intermediate to advanced class.