Chayey Sara 25:12~15 – Twelve sons of Yishmael (Yeshiva 5722/ 2021)
Posted: October 26, 2021
Chayey Sara 25:12-15 12 sons of Yishmael (Yeshiva 5722/ 2021) Yishmael (like Nachor and Yaakov) has 12 sons, what do their names mean? Two explanations (PDF enclosed) mostly from Mifarshim (not ChaZaL) explaining the meaning of their names in two ways: 1) [based on ילקוט אור האפילה] the twelve sons names based on Yishmael’s nature (Chessed of Klipa- not so hard and not so evil), there’s a lot of good here. 2) [based on פירוש על התורה לרבינו אפרים in manuscript] how these names reflect the Jewish people’s surviving Galus Yishmael.