
013 Samech Vov (First Version) – Shuva Yisroel – Class 01

עד ועד בכלל – Something that is on the same level, go point to point, limited, gvul, characterized by walking (always having one foot on the ground.)
עד ולא עד בכלל – Different levels each bli gvul and each bli gvul separated from the next level, characterized by a leap (two feet off the ground.)
עד ולא עד בכלל – a higher level. As close as one gets to Hashem one realizes that he will never get there.
Inside p 18 4 lines down (p 26 13 lines down)
Definitions: HaAra – a ray Hasaga – to reach Tefisa – to grasp Havana – discerning, to know the difference between two things.
Moshol of a FIRE. there are different colors in the flame. The closest to the fuel the color is the darkest, the farther away, the lighter it gets, above the colors the fire will still burn. Nimshal – The soul by istelf is invisible. In order to recognize its existence here one needs to be able to touch something. A guf needs edges to grasp it. Same with an IDEA. It needs limitations to be able to grasp it. Some ideas one can grasp, some one can only reach but not touch, and some one can’t get at all. The Brain uses osios to connect to ohr. An idea without osios is black. There is an end to ideas, the aideler they becaome, they eventually reach a point where they are a non metzius and are unable to be grasped – pshitus, incomprehensible.


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