Dira B’Tachtonim L’Shem Yichud: Some say this before each mitzvah, some never say it, and according to the Alter Rebbe in his Siddur , we say it once a day. There are many different kavanas for Mitzvas. 1) to do a mitzva because Hashem said to 2) Kavana protis – a different kavana for each mitzvah 3)Kavanah of Kabbalah is effect a yichud bringing down an additional light. the Alter Rebbe’s Siddur is made for everyone, but some groups think that its so holy only the Rebbe uses it not thwe Chassidim. In most places Yichud Sovev and Memale, the Sovev turns into Memamale and the particular limb that relates to that mitzvah is strengthened. The Rebbe Rashab’s L’Shem Yichud is Sovev joining with Memale and the Sovev remains Sovev with all its characteristics and the Memamle remains memale with all its characteristics and it brings down an Ohr Chadash. The Torah is called Ohz עז the power to bring two opposites together. Moshol of the Sun and its light, and the screen that allows the light to shine, and the “Sovev” of the light and the “memamle” of the light. Ohr Chadash is not more light, but a light that has never shone before. Etzem Ohr Ein Sof, a light that is above Sovev and Memale. Dira B’Tachtonim al pi our Rebbe is not light at all, but Atzmus Itself. Gott Himself that is already in the world, being revealed.