
013 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ze Hayom – Class 02

Important posukim:
Elokim heivin Darko, v’lo Enosh Mkomo. – Elokim understands His Way and no man His Place.
ומעלם לא שמעו לא האזינו עין No one has ever heard nor eyes ever seen
לא ראתה אלוקים זולתך יעשה למחכה לו Elokim except for You, that acted for those who M’chakei lo
No one not even Adam HaRishon, the Avos or Moshe Rabbenu has seen Elokim (Helem HaAtzmi)

Disagreement between Rav and Shmuel about Moshiach. Our Rebbe reconciles this by saying that there are two tekufas in Yemos Hamoshiach, the first natural (according to Shmuel) and the second miraculous (according to Rav) and that the neviim that saw things in a supernatural way were viewing the second tekufa only and not Olam HaBa.

Cycle of water on the earth: the deepest level is the t’chum. These “infinite” waters always are subterrenean and only surfaced during the Mabul. They push up the HaAra of the t’chum, the other waters. Next are the Mayanos, the springs of mayim chaim that surface because they are being pushed up. The Nahar joins the mayanos and delivers them. The Nahar splits into streams to go to the Yam. This is like water in a bowl that doesn’t move, but slowly seeps into the earth and becomes purifies to continue the cycle.
Nimshol: T’chum = Atik. HaAra of t’chum=Arich Anpin. Mayanos=Chochma (Elokus). Nahar=Bina. Yam=Malchus
One Nahar (Bina) goes out of Eden (Chochma) and the river delivers it and conceals the chochma. The one river becomes weakened and splits into four (Chesed, Gevura, Tiferes, Malchus.) In every world is a Gan Eden and a river and a Beis Hamikdash. Chochma nests in Atzilus (In the whole Atzilus is Ohr Ein Sof (Ohr Chaya), but there is a big difference between Atzlus sh’B’ Atzilus [chochma ilaah] and Bina sh’b’ Atzilus, [a HaAra etc) Bina in Beriah (but only the ohr Neshama part, not the ohr Abba part because the river delivers the bina and obstructs the chochma,) Z”A in Yetzira and Malchus in Assiya ( and creates our world.)
Each world has a Beis HaMikdash as its brain and heart and heichalos where the Neshamas and Malachim live. There are two dimensions in each world, pnimius and chitzonius, and so there are two dimensions to the Nahar, pnimius which is giluy, and chitzonius which obstructs. The Malchus in each world creates that world itself and the spiritual part of the next lower world.

Discussion about Chochma and Kesser. The Source of Chochma is in pnimius ohr Ein Sof which is higher than Kesser. Chitzonius Chochma is in Kesser that is lower than the Gulgata. Pnimius Chochma is in the Gevuros of Atik which is higher than Gulgata.


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