016 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ze Hayom – Class 05
Posted: February 17, 2018
Maamar Map: Bottom p 12-15 Original Edition (pp18-21 New Edition) – Gan Eden In Gan Eden, the neshamas experience Taanug Hahasaga, a geshmak from the kavanas (from the Torah) that is in the mitzvot. But this is only a HaAra. In Gan Eden there are bli gvul levels and 3 x a day neshamas go from level to level and must totally forget the previous level in order to ascend. The neshama must toivel in the Nahar Dinur (River of Fire) in order to mvatel its current level and then an Amud of light shines and draws her up, and then the neshama is incorporated in the higher level.
Many thing can give pleasure. The higher the pleasure the quieter, while the lower the pleasure the noisier. Pleasure is experiencing your own Soul.
Steps of Birurim al pi Kabbalah. 1) The light of Tohu tried to be b’giluy.. 2)The ohr went up and the kelim shattered and fell. 3) I-BIRUR MEI’L’MYLA L’MATAHashem shines a (perfect) light of chochma and the eidelest sparks are gathered up and form the perfect kelim of Atzilus. Hashem shines a second light and the next best sparks form the world of Beriah and so on for Yetzira and Assiya. The left over junk is in the basement and will be automatically purified when Adam and Chava eat of the fruit of the garden. But they ate from the tree of Tov v’Rah and the basement flooded and all the junk came up and got all mixed up in Assiya. II-BIRUR MEI L’MATA L’MYLA – this is our job. First its dirty work, then the angels come and polish the sparks, but they will never be perfect. III- BIRUR SHEINI MEIL’MYLA L’MATA Hashem finishes the work in L’Asid Lavo.