P 34-35 Original SV (New SV pp48-49) Pnimius Ratzon vs Chitzonius Ratzon The Difference in the way Chaya and lower experience Hashem – (The person and Hashem,) and ther way Yechida experiences Hashem, (You and Hashem are ONE.) Three fires in the Beis HaMikdash: 1) on the Mizbeach (representing BiYA) 2) In the Menorah (representing Atzilus) and 3) in the Ketores (representing Kesser) Pnimius HaRatzon is You. It can’t be murkav. Discussion of a Mother’s pnimius love for her children. Taam Kamus. In the Gemara if one couldnt answer it meant that he conceded defeat. Rav didnt answer but some paskened by his opinion. In this case there was an explanation, but it was higher than Sekel.