
002 Samech Vov (First Version) – Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – Class 02

p.1 (New SV p 1-2)
A mitzva Klali encompasses the whole yiddishkeit, while a Mitzva Prati is a specific thing to do. Many Mitzvas have both components. Al pi the RaMbaM in order to be counted as one of the 613 commandments a mitzva must be practical i.e. something that is done.
Shofar blowing encompasses three levels. Firstly it is a Mitzva Prati, gvul, its size, how many notes to blow etc , secondly it is a Mitzva Klali and represents Teshuva coming from bli gvul from the neshama, and thirdly it is Atzmus – the place where the person and the Aibishter are One, Yechida, from here, we make the Aibishter a King.
The First question of the maamar is that Shofar is so important, how can it be that someone who is not so learned might come to carry and thus prevent the mitzva for everyone?
The sounds of the Shofar: First Tekiah is loud, a scream, representing one’s essence, higher than words. the Teruah is quiet, and the second Terkiah is also quiet and represents the Aibishter’s response.
Hispaalus Chitzonius occurs when a Baal Teshuva who is far from yiddishkeit experiences his lit up Yechidus and explodes. Hispaalus Pnimius is experienced by a Tzaddik who also feels his Chaya and Yechida, but this is not a reaction, but a condition – Reuta D’leiba coming from the neshama.


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