
002 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – Class 02

Story with Reb Itzikl which illustrates how there are different layers in Torah but that Torah is One.
Discussion of the difference between a Moshol and a Melech. A Moshol rules because he wants to and will give the people only as much as necessary to stay in power. A melech is a deep person and the last thing he wants to do is to rule the people, but they “force” him to rule by behaving in a way that awakens his mida of Romemus. On the day of his coronation all there is bittul to the king, nothing else happens in the whole kingdom.

Now we can understand the answer to the first question in the maamar. How can it be that when Rosh Hashana falls on Shabbos that there is no Shofar sounded? The answers about gezeras Rabba that an am haaretz might come to carry the shofar or that shofar is a weekday activity, don’t make too much sense after learning about the importance of Shofar, how Shofar is Teshuva, and draws down Atzmus Ein Sof into our pnimius and how Shofar is a mitzva Klali.
We can speak of two levels in the creation of the world. The Pnimius is that Hashem cares and gets pleasure from us. The Chitzonius are the words of creation that make us exist. On Erev Rosh Hashana Hashem quits His Job and the pnimius goes up and Hashem rules as a moshol and not a melech, while the chitzonius stays down here, so the world still exists. The blowing of the Shofar reunites the pnimius with the chitzonius and Hashem is our Melech once again. On Shabbos the whole world is elevated to the level of taanug and there is no separation at all, hence Shofar is not necessary. In the First Beis HaMikdash we blew shofar anyway because at that point we were able to reach a higher level of taanug through the shofar.


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