
Class # 21

Part 3: Chanuka – Mesiras NEFESH, HIGHER THAN TORAH. Text: covers first paragraph of maamar and ois dalet. Three knots:1) Hashem to Torah 2)HaShem to Yidden 3)Yidden to Torah. Torah is HaShem’s Light, Hashem’s wisdom. Yid is Hashem’s child, His Chosen ones. Since Torah is HaShem’s Wisdom it must be reasonable with limitations and not extremes. There are parameters for dying Al Kiddush HaShem. Yidden were hiding safely (for a time at least) in the hills. It was TOTALLY AGAINST HALACHA to go out to fight and face certain death. But they went just to show that you can’t mess with a Yid and HaShem made a nes. Yidden have a bli gvul unreasonable connection to HaShem. With their mesiras nefesh Yidden invented a NEW Torah. They put Atzmus HaShem into the Torah. Mitzvas d’Rabbanan are higher than Mitzvas d’Oraisa. Reshus Ha Yachid belongs to HaShem, Reshus HaRabim belongs to klipa. In the beis HaMikdash the Menorah was inside, had 7 branches, and was lit during the day. On Chanukah there are 8 licht signifying higher than hishtalshelus, it was lit outside, by night, on the left because it has the power to fix the left, even those who have rebelled.


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