
022 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Lulav Vearava -Class 01

Maamar Map: לכל תכלה is divided into three sections.
pp 20-24 (Old Edition) (pp 27-33 new edition) (End of Maamar Shuva Yisroel) is Gvul
pp 25-29 (pp 35-40) Seder Hishtalshelus – HaAras – Bli Gvul
p 29 (p 40) Atzmus
pp 29-36 (40-51) Sugya עושין רצונו של מקום also in three parts.

This maamar Section 2 Bli gvul of לכל תכלהץ: The Even Yechaya says that tichle means oneg. Every oneg connected to Maase Breishis is limited.
Taanug is the personality. It is the reason for a ratzon. Taanug says “This gives me pleasure. Ratzon says “I want this.” No sekel is involved here.

The Nefesh has two types of experiences. 1) Giluy of the כחות of the nefesh (gvul) and 2)Giluy Hanefesh – the soul speaks – bli gvul. A כח is a tool that we can choose to use or not. the Nefesh is controlled through its כחות.
The person is his Taanug, not his sekel. Ratzon is to bring out how strong the Nefesh is, while Taanug shows how rich it is. Pleasure is not an emotion, rather it is a moshol for Ein Sof because the experience of pleasure if going into your etzem. Taanug the direction is up into yoiurself. Ratzon the direction is out.

the Nefesh Habehamis is lacking everything, we dont know the future and we worry. When a person has pleasure he forgets his worries. Taanug Hamurkav is pleasure from something which when joined to the taanug makes it limited. The higher one goes in the Nefesh the quiter it becomes. More Etzem and less giluy. The deepest Taanug is scalled Bilti Murgash – can’t feel it, can only be it.


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