Moshol of Taanug to explain Ein Sof. Taanug is the etzem of the Nefesh – the source of everything. Taanug is lifting oneself up into the Bli Gvul – a feeling of richness of the Ein Sof. There is a big difference between Taanug ha murkav and Taanug ha pashut. Moshol of the light of the sun. Differences in Seder Hishtalshelus – the Ohr is the same but the kelim are different.
Atzmus (Etzem) is anything that exists only for itself. Atzmus is NOT the Aibishter. Etzem can’t be diluted – no hispashtus. Etzem can’t be revealed b’giluy. No one else can get it. But we speak of Giluy HaEtzem. How is this possible? R Saadia Gaon said that To know G-D is to be G-D. We have a neshama. Revealed Chaya vs Yechida. Chaya is a very strong light that a person runs to. Reuta D’lieba is Chaya – it is connected toTaam v’daas. Chay is a separate level in the Neshama. Three levels of Fire. Three levels of Sekel. Giluy of Yechida – You and your Etzem become one and the same thing. You are drawn into G-Dliness. You are functioning through your brain, but your brain has become bli gvul in its capacity to create clear and credible sekels. A convergence of the limited faculties of a person and the Etzem of a person.
Sugya in ס”ט Shem HaPoel – Shem Hatoar – Shem Haetzem is briefly explained.