
Class # 24

Part 6: (1) First answer – AIN ETZEM etc.. (2) three steps of creation. Definitions: Helem = hiding, too far away to see. Hester= blocking. Beriah is Yesh Mei’Ayin. Light is Ain Sof. Aibishter is Ain Techila. There are differences in the worlds as to how Elokus is perceived (above Atzilus, in Atzilus, and below Atzilus. There are also differences within Atzilus itself (kesser-chochma, bina, z”a, malchus) Es Hashamayim v’es ha’aretz ANI maleh. ANI = Sovev kol almin, the same below as above. Melo kol HaAretz k’vodo = Memale kol almin. Lower worlds are different from the upper worlds. So how can we say Lo Shenisi? Havaya as Creator: as Neshama of the world. Elokim blocks Chavaya in different ways for different worlds. There are different batteries for each world, BUT Havaye and Elokim are kulechad One. Both are Etzem and etzem cant block etzem, so its not a real change. Hashem creates world by way of Hishtalshelus, not because He has to, but so we can relate to Him. Moshol: Rebbe making shluchim. Nimshol Hashem creates the world. 1) Machshava – Hashem wants a world and immediately there is a world, but it is swimming in Ein Sof. 2) Dibbur – Hashem appears to remove His light from world, which is now separate but bittul to Hashem. 3) Hashem’s Maase – proactive, Hashem infuses life in the world.


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