עושה רצונו של עולם Maamar Map: pp 29-32 (old edition) (pp 40-45 New Edition) I – Gvul – Sustaining the World – Krisus Bris Noach – 25 Elul p 32 (p 45) – = II – Bli Gvul – Ratzon for sustaining the World pp 36-37 (pp 47-51) III – ( the next maamar) Pnimius HaRatzon – Rosh Hashana – Yiddishkeit
This is a very unsusual Maamar. It discusses the sustaining of the World, which is the Chitzonius Ratzon of the Aibishter. We need to create the Ratzon in the Aibishter to continue creating the World. Its Yiddishkeit for kinyan habrios and not because of Pnimius HaRatzon. This is an example of a maamaar in which it is very easy to entirely miss the whole point. There is the chayas of the Olomos and the Ratzon of Brios Haolomos and the kavanah of the brios. I – When you do Torah and Mitzvos and you make Hashem want to continue to sustain the world, all you see is the world, more revelation of Memale, not the Ratzon. II – Doing Torah and Mitzvos also effect that the Sovev is also revealed – one can see the energy of the want, not only the product. Al manas mkabel pras has two meanings. 1) Bishvil a reward. I’m doing something for you, You do something for me. 2) Rak mkabel pras – the thing that you are doing is B’etzem pras, Pruste, lowly. You can’t do it L’Shem Shamayim. The world is a toful. The work of every Human being, Goy and Yid is to keep the world functioning. The difference between the mitzvos of a goy and a yid. A goy doesn’t kill because it is the opposite of civility. A Yid doesn’t kill because its opposite the Torah. There is a Human dimension and a Holy Dimension. Be honest in business and the next guy will be honest with you, and the world will continue to exist.