
Class # 26b

Part 8b: HASHEM – metzius bilti metzius nimtza. Lo shanisi in ATZMUS. 3rd Lo Shanisi cont. Atzmus – The Aibishter is above sekel, you cant know Him. To be a metzius one needs a Guf appropriate to a particular place. Story of ben Durdaya doing teshuva and getting Yochanon Kohen Gadol’s mitzvas as garments in Gan Eden. The Aibishter is a metzius (because He couldn’t NOT exist) but He is a bilti Metzius Nimtza, ie an existence without a form that can be found. Neshamas have a Guf, Malachim have levushim. If the levush changes, the metzius changes. Since the Aibishter has no guf, there is not what to change from into something else, hence Lo Shanisi. Ohr Ain Sof is one light. It goes into Malchus of Atzilus and its metzius is changed to thousands of different things, only its not really a change because its Elokim covering Havaye, ie Etzem covering Etzem. (Where is giluy of Atzmus in the world? the Aron in the Kadosh K’doshim takes up no space. Nimna Nimnaos. This is not a NES, this is 2 opposites existing at the same time.) There wasn’t a world, now there is a world. Does this change the Aibishter? No He is what He Wants. First He didn’t want World, now He wants World. There is No change. He still is what He wants.


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