Colors. This is the next example employed by the Rebbe Rashab to explain the three levels of Chitzoniyus and Pnimiyus HaChochma and Nekuda Atzmis of Keser. This analogy (of light and color) must be understood philosophically (not physically). It involves the issue of “mikriim” found in philosophy. This means, some things must necessarily have secondary characteristics though they don’t define the essence of the existence. Only Hashem has no mikriim. Colors are in essence a mikre’. Our maamar therefore uses colors to explain the three levels of Ayin at hand. Chitzoniyus HaChochma has mikre’ (color), Keser has no mikre (color) at all, while Pnimiyus HaChochma is the theoretical beginning of mikre’ (color). Pages 373-4, in the new SV pages 491-2.