Part 10: (p 37 3 lines from bottom) HAMAOR HU B’HISGALUS. Tzimtzum c’peshuto or c’lo peshuto. Alter Rebbe”s chidush: The source of light i.e. the Aibishter is revealed in this world. Metzius nimtza is something that exists in time and space in relation to other things. Ohr Ain Sof is also a metzius. It doesn’t allow a world to exist in its place. Makom = an existence that allows other things to exist. Time and Space 1) allow you to exist and 2) your existence creates time and space. Tzimtzum c’peshuto or c’lo peshuto: Q1. What happened to the light? Is it here and concealed or not here at all? A1: Chabad says the Ohr Ain Sof was never removed, but it was de”metzius”ed i.e. tzimtzum c’lo peshuto. A2: Vilna Gaon says that the light really left. The Tzimtzum got rid of one metzius (Light) for another metzius (World). Q2: What about the Aibishter? Does he have to be removed from the world to have a world? A1: Vila Gaon says it is tzimtzum c’peshuto b’maor. Yes the Aibishter also leaves. A2: R Chaim Voloshin: Tzimtzum lo c’peshuto b’maor. The Aibishter needs to be removed, but He is still here but He has to hide. A3: Alter Rebbe. The Aibishter is still here and REVEALED. He is bilti metzius and doesn’t take up any space and doesn’t contradict anything. Everyone knows Hashem in His Essence but not with our senses. Moshal of the Sun and its rays like Aibishter and Ohr Ain Sof. Q3: If Hashem is here, why is He so hard to find? A: Hashem is not hidden. We are just not paying attention. Be quiet.