A Mashpia gives shefa. This implies involvement. Shefa gives only a piece but it gives the Etzem. A Maor gives Ohr – Gives everything but not the Etzem. Moshol of ziv and Shemesh. The Alter Rebbe uses the word Ohr for both Ein Sof and Chochma and Bina. How can we call what Chochma gives to Bina as Ohr and not Shefa? Discussion of Ila v’Alul as the philosophers explain it. Mehus to Mehus. In the nefesh there are two kinds of Hashpaah: Giluy hanefesh where the whole nefesh comes out, and Kochos hanefesh. Moshol of two approaches in medicine: Holistic and specialization. Chassidus says there are two systems in a person with two kinds of flow: Chitzonius and Pnimius. The Chitzonius system are kochos where each is a metzius and the flow is bumpy – start and stop. In the Pnimius system the kochos rise to the Etzem of an idea and become bilti metzius. This is Histalshelus Ila v’Alul that is NOT mehus l’mehus.