Maamar Map: pp 29-32 Old Edition (pp40-45 New Edition) Oseh Ratzono Shel Makom – I Gvul p 32 (p45) Oseh Ratzono Shel Makom – II Bli Gvul pp 33-36 (pp 47-51) Oseh Ratono Shel Makom – III Atzmus
Physical Torah and Mitzvos are Atzmus MAMMASH. Torah and Mitzvos are the End, everything else is a means to that end. This is the Pnimius Ratzon of the Aibishter – Physical mitzvos done by a Neshama in a physical guf. (This is the next maamar) Chitzonius Ratzon – a world- is what He needs to fulfill His Real Will. Our Maamar discusses that the Yid needs to do Torah and Mitzvos in order to sustain the world – the Chitzonius Ratzon. A Yid needs to conduct business honestly so the next guy will be honest with him and there will be a civilised world. A yid is told to do Torah and Mitzvos not “Al manas mkabel pras.” A pras is a reward, or al pi Chassidus – “Pruste” a broken thing, not the whole thing. A piece of candy instead of the Aibishter. A Yid must sustain the world, but the world is b’etzem pras, its impossible to do this L’Shem Shamayim. By a Yid sustaining the world, he forces the Aibishter to bring life into the world. What is life? Memale Kol Olmin. Without it the world would vanish. There are two things: I – what the Will wills – the world and II – the power of the Will itself. On p 32 the Rebbe writes a few lines about the power of the Will itself (to helps on continue the triad balance.) A Goy is supposed to do his things to make the wotld a habiyable place. If he eats ever min hachai he is chaiv misa. If a yid eats from a limb that is still moving after Schita, he is not liable, al pi Torah the animal is dead. But it is not mentchlik to do so.