
003 Samech Vov (First Version) – Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – Class 03

Inside Bottom of p. ג. (New SV p 4)

The Rebbe Rashab is asking Why did Hashem create the world? and brings only three of many answers.
1)The Midrash states to make a dira B’tachtonim – a dwelling place in this PHYSICAL world. 2) The Etz Chaim says so Hashem can express Himself, His Kochos. 3) the Zohar says that Hashem wants to be known. The Etz Chaim and the Zohar are answers based on a logical Torah based on limited parameters. Both apply to Atzilus and deal only with Memale Kol Almin and not with the physical world.. The Midrash deals with Sovev and Memale and deals with the tachton, so the Rebbe concludes that this is the best answer.
Dira B’Tachtonim is a tyva. It’s a statement, not a question. the question that could be asked, is What does Hashem want or expect from His World? Hashem created the world for Torah and Mitzvos. there are several levels to this. 1) When we do a Mitzva, Hashem, in the form of Adam Haelyon, does the same mitzva. More light is added to the mitzva’s limb in Atzilus. 2) Birurim – doing a mitzva can elevate sparks that are hidden in klipa and adds the light of Sovev Kol Almin to the world. 3)Shalosh Klipos Hatameia L’gamrei – are so low we can.t elevate them in normal ways. They can be elevated thru Teshuva or through a Nisayon (test). Levels 1-3 deal with adding more light in the world. While 4) Making the Darkness itself shine shows how the Darkness is in itself Atzmus.
Dira B’Tachtonim al pi the Rebbe Rashab is yichud Sovev with Memale.
Dira B’Tachtonim al pi the Rebbe is when the world itself shines.


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