This shiur really revisits the very foundations of the present discussion about the Neshama’s ascent from Tehora (Keilim, Garmohi) to Kedusha (Ohr, Chayohi). The class explores 1) Ihu ViChayohi Chad (Ohr’s relationship to Ein Sof), 2) Ihu ViGarmohi Chad (Keilim’s connection to Ein Sof), 3) Ihu ViChayohi ViGarmohi Chad (how the meeting of Ohr and Keilim allows Keilim to go from Dveikus bilti nikeres to dveikus nikeres). 4) The class then explores that the Chitzoniyus of Keilim and Neshamos cannot have this Dveikus Nikeres with Ohr. All this leads to the conclusion, that Aliya of Neshamos to the level of Kedusha is a great novelty. This class introduces the next class. [Page 506 ff. NEW SV p. 666 ff.