Part 2: All Maamarim are from the Alter Rebbe (from the Maggid and the Baal Shem Tov). Later Rabbeim added commentary but usually used the same dibur hamaschil (opening posuk.) Reb Brachya is a Dira b”Tachtonim Maamar. There are two different concepts of dira b’tachtonim in Tanya. In perek 37 is the “Alter Rebbe”s Dira b”tachtonin where the person learns the Torah and the person’s BRAIN is the dira b’tachtonim. In perek 33 is our Rebbe”s dira b’tachtonim that involves doing physical mitzvos to bring Atzmus into the whole world.
Our Maamar begins: Reb Brachya PASACH. Pasach means he opened a new channel ,a new approach to Torah. What is created Above is also created Below. Z’vul is a palace Above. and paralleling this there is a Beis HaMikdash Below. In them 1)Malachim are standing Above in a state of bittul, and the Kerashim are standing Below, and 2) the malach Michoel brings the neshamas of tzaddikim on the mizbeach Above while the Kohen Gadol offers animal korbonos on the mizbeach Below. It seems much more holy Above, yet the Midrash says that Hashem prefers the tachton to the Elyon. Why? MP3