
012 Samech Vov (First Version) – Ze Hayom – Class 04

Three Levels: Olomos – Gan Eden – Eden
we are discussing the second bli gvul levels with regard to tefila. There is feeling Hashem and being sastisfied, Feeling Hashem and wanting more, and a tzubrokenkeit where he wanats more and more every day.
To go from level to level in Gan eden and from Gehinnom to gan eden is a two step process. Firstly the neshama must Toivel in the Nahar Dinur to become cleansed, then an Amud of pure light will draw her up to the next level.
Yosef’s Dreams represented the avoda of birurim. To mvarer something one needs to go up to its source. An example brought for this is mining diamonds. The first miner gets very dirty from the mine, but then successive diamond workers get progressively more skilled and higher paid and cleaner as the diamond goes through its processing. In the nimshol the purification can never be completed by man it could always become more pure. Finally the Aibishter will come to do the second birur and finish the job. Only chochma which is perfect to begin with can be mvarrered by us. In Yosef’s dream the shvatim did the first birur and Yosef did birur sheini.


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