Part 4: Kabbala versus Chakira. Question of Elokus. Philosophy is a goyishe chachma. The Jewish Philosophers had to try to put Hashem into the limits of philosophy. Kabbalah is Torah. Fundamentals of philosophy: 1) Truth is logical and reasonable, i.e. if it doesn’t make sense to ME it is false. Kabbala says things don’t have to make sense to be true. 2) Philosophy says there are things that are impossible for Hashem to do. Kabbala says there is Nothing that is impossible for Hashem. 3) Philosophy says there is only a Creator and creations – nothing in between. It is not possible for a person to have a relationship with Hashem. Kabbala says there is ALSO Elokus, Hashem’s Light, and that there can be a relationship through this Light. 4)Avodah Tzurich Gavoha ( does our avoda affect Hashem?) Philosophy says of course not, Hashem doesn’t care what we do, Mitzvas are only for people to make us better. Kabbala says Yes, our avoda does affect Elokus. The 248 Mitzvas correspond to the 248 limbs of Adam Ha Elyon. Do a mitzvah and strengthen the corresponding aspect of Godliness. In our maamar Korbanos are food for the Aibishter. Philosophy says that this is ridiculous, that Hashem doesn’t need to eat, it must be food for the malachim. Kabbala says yes, korbanos are food, food for Elokus. Hashem does benefit from them. MP3