7 Perek 3 proofs. Adam Kadmon – complexity of Kadmus according to Kabbala. Proof 2 cont.: Philosophy is sechel enushi and says that there is only Aibishter and Us. The Aibishter is kadmon – always was, and we are m’chudash – new, once wasn’t. Kabbala is straight from the Aibishter. Kabbala also has Elokus, Hashem’s Light. When was this light created? When does kadmon end and m’chdash begin? Maamarim differ. The classic view. Adam Kadmon or A”K is the first world after Tzimtzum Harishon. This world is a contradiction in terms. Adam implies Partzuf, face, division, right, left center, top, bottom, middle, while Kadmon implies something that always existed. The 10 Sefiros of A”K are m’chudash while the Ohr is Kadmon. In A”K the light comes directly from before the tzimtzum. In the lower worlds the light is filtered down through the kelim of the world before it. Regarding Proof #2 Kisay hakavod was a giluy of A”K, before creation. As it shined there it shined in the Beis Hamikdash. Proof#3: When Yaakov stopped on Har HaMoriah for the night he said: achen yesh Havaye bamakom hazeh. (Havaya is in this place.) The earth is created with a formula that prioritized the Name ADN-. the Beis Hamikdash is created with a formula that prioritized the Name Havaye. The angel M’TaT is Hashem’s representative to creation. Yaakov sees that this place in NOT under M’TAT’s jurisdiction, but is created by Torah itself.