9 Perek 3: KOVOD vs. KVOD HAVAYA -YONOSON BEN UZIEL TARGUM. Review of discussion of kadman and m’chudash from above lesson 7. Proof#6: In U’va L’tzion, Yonason ben Uzziel translates and explains Kedusha. Regarding nigleh, the rebbeim quoted everybody, but regarding kabbala sources, the Rebbe had a masora as to which are kosher and which are not and which parts of the kosher ones should be followed. The Baal SHem Tov had his own shita which includes this Yonason ben Uzziel which states that K’vod is a levush, a Ha’arah , while K’vod HaShem is Atzmus Ein Sof. Most other kabbalists say that kvod Hashem is also a levush. There are 3 kedushas in davenning, we want to bring the level of kvod Havaye down into this world. Where do we draw the line between kadmus and m’chudash? There are many levels of Atzmus (how can there be levels in Atzmus?) Kadmon – Aibishter; kadmon c’kadmuso – yecholes; kmo kadman haheder – light. First step in creation is Alas haratzon, Hashem has a WILL and immediately the world is created. It goes from an infinite number of Sefiros to 10 Sefiros Hagnuzos. So it would seem that before Ratzon, everything is kadmon, and after everything is m’chudash. But not so our Maamar. Here the line is drawn before Machshava. Sekel is thinking about something in theory, Machshave is thinking practically. Sekel leads to midddos which lead to machshave (Malchus) Draw the line between before machshava and after machshava.