
Class 47

10 Kovod versus Kvod Havaya : Review of the previous lecture. Learning inside p 90 3 lines from the top. We have sekel and middos, first on a theoretical level, then once we determine that something is desirable to have, we think practically about how to obtain it. This is machshava. By the Aibishter, the sekel and middos are the 10 sefiros hagenuzos. He and His Name. His Name is Yud kay vav kay goes on the ten sefiros hagenuzos. A Name is for others to call you, it is related to action. K’vod Havaye is before HaShem started to create the world, K’vodo is related to world. The difference between Baruch She’Amar and Yishtabach. Most maamarim say about Baruch SHe’Amar that it is a lower level, HaShem is Alone, He gives Life to the world as a king, through malchus. Our maamar says: take the Yachid, the K’vod Havaye and bring it down into this world. What do we see in the beis Hamikdash? K’vod Havaye NOT k’vodo. In Kabbala, we can’t say something is true because it makes sense. We know it is true because of Ruach Hakodesh. We use the lower worlds to “prove” the existence of the higher ones, but the real proof that there are 10 Sefiros Hagenuzos is because some kabbalist actually SAW them through Reiah d’Chochma.


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