
Class 48

11 Reb Brachya, p. 90-91, 100-101. Atzmus in Beis Hamikdash – Nimna Hanimnaos. Ain Sof as it relates to itself (not shining in a vessel) is revealed in the Beis Hamikdash. The question is not How can Hashem do this?, He can do anything. The question is can we understand a little bit of it? Isn’t Hashem everywhere? So what does it mean that Atzmus is revealed in the Beis HaMikdash? Hashra’oh = unchanged manifestation as opposed to hislabshus. Answer in perek 12. Philosophers said there are things that are impossible for Hashem to do. Kabbala says nothing is impossible for Hashem. There is 1) sekel from the world (must make sense) 2) sechel that is the source of the world (Kabbala – Torah.) Nimnaos – something that is impossible. Ex. the Aron is the Beis Hamikdash, both took up space and didn’t take up space at the same time. This was NOT a nes, ( A nes changes nature, the Aron shrunk, or the Kadosh Hakadoshim expanded) but two opposites acting together at the same time. Hashem can do this. The Rebbe says the oil in the Beis hamikdash on chanukah was a natural oil but Hashem made it burn for 8 days. Nimna nimnaos.


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