
005 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – Class 05

Summary of whole Samech Vav: The Maamar talks about Dira B’Tachtonin. Who is more suitable to bring down the light, an eved or a ben? Why did Hashem create the world? The maamar brings three answers. A) Midrash: because Hashem wanted a home in the lowest world. B) Arizal in Etz Chaim – so Hashem could express His כחות. C) So Hashem could be known. Which is the best answer to fit the purpose of Creation? The Arizal and the Zohar are only dealing with Memale kol Olmin. Therefore, according to the Rebbe Rashab, Dira B’Tachtonin is the better answer as it is Yichud Sovev with Memale. Memale is Giluy Ohr Ain Sof in relationship to something else. Sovev is Atzmus Ohr Ain Sof as it related to Hashem Himself. Moshel for Sovev is Sunlight. The Moshol for Memale is a neshama in a guf. But there is also the concept of sunlight as related to photosynthesis being a moshol for Memale. A Moshol for Yichud Sovev and Memale would be if the sunlight could go into a plant and remain sunlight.
L’Shem Yichud usually is bringing down Sovev (that turns into) more memale into the kelim. In our case it is bringing down Sovev into Memale where both Sovev and Memale remain in their original states. This is very different.


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