P 4-5 (New SV p 6-7) What is the Main Purpose of Creation? The Etz Chaim says that Hashem wants to express Himself. The Zohar says that HaShem wants to be known. These are both about Hashem. Dira B’Tachtonim is about World. A כח is a tool for its owners. כחות are in the Nefesh VS. יכולות – possibilities which are in the Etzem of the Neshama. Since there are no כחות in Atzmus, there are no כחות that need expressing, thus the Etz Chaim only applies where there are כחות. Chidush of the Shelah: even before Hashem created the world there was a possibility for כחות. The Aibishter is Perfect. There is no concept of missing something.