14 Makom class #2 The idea of makom. The chidush that it is a nivra. Does everything have its own personal space (memale kol almin) or is there one big universal space for the whole creation (sovev kol almin?) Both are True. Time and Space are creations, but normally a metzius pushes away another metzius. Here space is an existence whose role is to leave room for other things to exist. Time also has two aspects to it. Weekday time is made up of individual points, but ALL of Shabbos is one nekuda, There are special spaces, the Beis Ha Mikdash, Eretz Yisroel. The Maggid said that space is a creation. Other opinions hold that it always existed. Maybe there is no such thing as Time and Space only clocks and rulers, ie Us. What happens if you take a giant vacuum cleaner and clean out all the matter in the universe? Einstein says Time and Space will cease to exist. the Rebbe says there is Time that is counted and z’man atzmi, and measured space and absolute space. The measured space will cease to exist but the makom atzmi will still be there. The Alter Rebbe holds that both Time and Space are creations. Time is change, and Space allows other things to exist. MP3