
Class 54

Summary of the first ma’amar. The following three classes are on the next Ma’amar (Ha’umnam) and a summary of the third Ma’amar of this Hemshech, VeHinei Ksiv. They are from 5763/2003. They are being included (unedited) as they are not found in the 5766 series of these classes and would benefit many. Class 54A. Perek 6-11, the question of whether the world is real or not (1). Shema. Hashem echad = achdus then, v’ahavta. How do you command an emotion? It means to think about Hashem, this will yield the emotion. BIG LIE – the world seems to be independent, but in reality everything is Elokus. But, if everything is Elokus, how do we have free will, and reward and punishment for mitzvos? Gemara about two who picked melons on Shabbos. Ch 7: Perhaps the world is a metzius but not a Metzius Amiti – it will become bittel later. Ch 8: No, the above is not true. The world exists and is bittel right now. Ch 9: The World is all Ein Sof. Class 54B. Perek 6-11, continued, discussion on whether the world is real or not (2). Ch 9: a world one with Hashem – sovev kol almin. Ch 8 Memeale Kol almin – world exists. Malchus of Atzilus creates the world every second. Ch 7 Creation exists. everything here has a source in Beriah. (yesh mi yesh.) Do we have Free Will? Class 54c. Third Ma’amar, Perek 13-18. the number 3 and the combining two opposites, as it was in the Beis HaMikdash, Kohanim, Korbonos etc. In creation#1 is Hashem only. #2 is machlochus, division, separation, tzimtzum harishon, sheviras hakelim of Tohu. #3 is Torah. World and G-d united in one entity. 3″s Torah of 3, Nation of 3, torah given in 3rd month. Domem tzomeah chai. A Korban brings together opposites. ADAM vs BEHEMA vertical vs horizontal, brain above heart, brain equal to heart, social vs solitary,organized vs no order, yosher – linear vs igulim, middle vs extremes, limited vs unlimited, complex vs simple, weak vs strong, finite vs infinite. KORBAN combines the strengths of the persons with the strengths of the animal and creates a system with both mylas. Nefesh ha elokis vs nefesh habehamis moach can conrol lev. Sacrifice the behema and harness the bli gvul. We eat food from plants and animals because their root is higher than that of man. Bring a korban – b’an is raised to its source s”ag, and draws down A”v an even higher light.

Class 54A.
Class 54B.
Class 54c.

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