Class #4: Mashal for Sovev. Nimshal of Memalei (continued). Ratzon = fluidity of the body = is not a koach but a force that takes the 613 parts and makes them work together. Ratzon – automatic vs need to concentrate. EVED PASHUT has no relationship to his master, just does what he is told, no “I” input. Eliezer is Avraham Avinu’s EVED NE’EMAN, He understood his Torah and he gave it over to others, but would need to process a command to internalize it. K’shoin is a talent. A Chush is pnimius, a sensitivity to use a talent to say something neshamadik. Speaking, walking, writing – brain says do this and the neshama in the mouth, foot, or hand does. Drawing, Dancing, and Singing – the hand, foot or mouth become an expression of the head. An artist puts his neshama in his art.
Inside perek 2 p 109 15 lines from the bottom. Nimshal for Memale. In Atzilus –>- ChaBaD, ChaGaS, NeHYi, = 248 limbs = 9 Sefiros X (integrated in each of the) 9 Sefiros X 3 (top, middle, bottom) + 5 (Chasadim.) From Atzilus divide into Beriah, Yetzira, Assiya —> more details. MP3